A Side Serving of Snot

Tonight’s dinner came with a side serving of snot, but surprisingly I didn’t really mind. It was one of the rare occasions our Master 11 months old has a chance to experience life as an only child, the center of his mothers attention, the one drawing in all focus in a room, as his sisters were off at dance class with Daddy. Master 11 month’s  smile is magnetic, his laughter so enchanting that even as he hands me a piece of carrot lathered in snot caught as he  teethed on it before deciding it is more fun to feed Mummy, I do not cringe. I let him feed me, paying close attention to every tiny tooth he has, all 4.5 of them, admiring his cherubic cheeks and sparkling almond eyes he inherited from his Daddy and listening earnestly to his sweet chuckles as I chomp away like a hungry puppy. It wouldn’t be the first time I have stomached something that pre-motherhood I would have choked on.

I recall one early morning feed with my boy, then only a few months old, the warmth and comfort of our bed linen bathed in broken shards of morning sun light that peered through the blinds into our secret bonding moments of mother and child, when the peace was interrupted by a milk vomit. I am almost certain some landed n my mouth, but the allure of sleep was too much to deny and I didn’t even flinch, so as not to wake my baby who too was drifting back to sleep.

I wipe bums for the better half of the morning, and also during the day, I wipe snotty noses relentlessly during the colder months and wipe up vomit when needed. I clean food mess from the floor at least three times a day, and squished banana has a texture that is just ick! So why is it that when it comes to picking up the dog poop I find it hard to hold down the barf and I am so utterly grossed out that I must wash my hands at least twice before handling my beautiful babies again.

Well lately I’m  thinking perhaps the dog has cottoned on to the fact she grosses me out, with her butt licking and walk pooping (she covers a greater area this way, spreading out her fecal matter so it becomes a game finding every last piece!). It started with her licking my kids, on their faces, often when they are talking so their mouths are open, umm ewwwwww! Then she started taking food from them, which was fun at first but Master 11 months old cried in anger when she nicked off with his lamb cutlet recently and my girls got sick of losing their ice cream to the dog pretty quickly.

Perhaps the dog wasn’t getting the attention she was craving, even as a climbing frame for our kids she wants more, or maybe it is just a hormonal thing, but now I have another nappy to change…..yes our dog is incontinent. Husband is in denial that his precious pooch has lost her youthful bladder control, but I mop under her bed every morning now. We have been through round one of medicines to no avail so now pooch is starting on twice daily medicine. ‘Yippee!’ I did not think when the vet informed me it was twice….daily! I have so much to remember on a daily basis that my diary is fat and full of scribbled notes and reminders about who needs what for preschool, who has a play date when, what fees are due, what appointments are coming up and then I must also remember who needs what cream, inhaler, antihistamine etc ….

With my family’s world becoming fuller by the day, and life so busy I hardly see friends of my own anymore or have time to myself, and knowing how quickly children grow, it is nice to marvel at Master 11 months old and just delight in the wonderful being he is. With my first two babies I’m not sure I enjoyed just simply watching them as they discovered the world, probably too focused on what I should be doing to enhance their learning and stimulate their senses to gain optimum use out of every situation.It is hard to live in the moment when you are bombarded with details about what you should be doing as a parent to help your child do this or that. But children grow, and fast. Its better to enjoy this time with them than worry about what some book, blog, article, friend, neighbor, stranger etc recommends you do. It is nice now to allow the chaotic and busy life we lead to rush around whilst I slow down and enjoy watching our children make discoveries on their own, simply marveling at their wonder and joy for living. So no I don’t mind the food mess, or laundry mess, or toy mess (even as I step on a piece of Duplo and pain sears through my foot), or poo mess or wee mess, or snot veggie fingers, because I know where the mess comes from, the masters of our hearts.

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One Reply to “A Side Serving of Snot”

  1. A whimsical stroll through what some might consider a disgusting subject – unless they’re parents, and then they know! Thorough coverage of the topic – all orifices covered. 🙂

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